Real estate newsletter quizzes, and games in general, are a great way to create interaction in your real estate newsletters, right? Maybe.
We produce newsletters with quizzes because many agents
Did you know that Mailchimp has landing pages? Instead of using a subscribe form in the sidebar of your real estate website, you can use a simple link to your landing page to get newsletter signups. Here's how and why that's cool.
Real estate agents like things to happen in a big way. We want a big income. We help people through the biggest transaction of their lives. We work big hours.
Are you getting any business from sending newsletters? For some real estate agents and other small business owners, the answer is yes. They have real ROI (return on investment) proof
In real estate, Info-Box Flyer marketing works because home buyers are not always willing to call and speak to a live person just to satisfy their curiosity. Your flyer will